Our Story

The Story of The Fawntourage

Desert Fawn Homes (Formerly The Fawn Residence) was opened up on July 2, 2002. Our first home was started by Linda and Mike Dressel. My mother Norma Davis and the late Judge John F. Clair.

We wanted to open up homes for women that need a safe place to land and change the narrative of their lives. A healing & nurturing place for those suffering from alcohol and/or substance use disorders.

We have housed hundreds of women through our homes over the past 20+. Many are still sober, productive members of society today.

People get sober when life stops working for them. We are here to help them when they are ready.

Women helping women “One Step at a Time”


Linda Dressel Bio

My name is Linda Dressel. I am a woman in long term recovery. My sobriety date is March 22, 1999.

When my life had stopped working for me, . it was suggested that I seek out a fellowship of like-minded people in recovery. It was extremely painful to admit that I had burned my life to the ground, that willpower alone was not enough for the necessary spiritual changes that are needed to recover. After a few half hearted attempts, I was able to become willing and surrendered to the messages that were needed to help me in my healing process. Through sponsorship, step work and the feeling of belonging in fellowshipping, I have remained sober and have a healthy, productive, purposeful life today.

It brings me great joy to touch peoples lives and help them recover. If you are new, get into this process ASAP before the obsession and restlessness and irritability creeps back in. You need to have a safeguard in place. Stay tethered to your recovery program, remain teachable and principled.

I’m happily married to a man that has been here since the very beginning, Mike Dressel. I have a really cool family and some truly loyal friends.

Life is definitely good!